Today in the studio I wrote pages and pages of thoughts and haiku poems. Imagery seems to be pouring forth in the form of words rather than drawings for me right now. Maybe it's all this rain! And it all caused me to remember a poet, named Gary Short, whom I met in 2003 during an artist's residency at VCCA. Today I found a hand-written poem of his that he gave me at the time and then I came across this poem online called The Collector. The last stanza is just amazing to me.
} Incredible Print Show opens tomorrow with a reception Saturday! Susan has been uploading shots of the installation. Works will become available online tomorrow as well. I'm really thrilled to be part of this show!
} Jan wrote a piece about IPS here too, thanks Jan!
} Tomorrow marks my last day at habit. I'm sad about leaving but excited to see what's in store there for the rest of the year. I posted daily and feel like I've accomplished something in doing so and that feels good. Thank you Emily & Molly for the opportunity, it really has meant alot to me.
Have a great weekend,