Heather Smith Jones
new pinhole piece today
I had an idea the other night as I was falling asleep: to make a series of pinhole pieces with notebook lines at the bottom. Each piece in the series would reveal a portion of a letter. The letter is from my late grandmother and is pinholed in her handwriting. These photos show it in process and the bottom photo shows it with another pinhole piece I did previously.
It was a nice Saturday, I had the window open in the kitchen and sat at the table working. It was great to poke holes through paper again; it's been a while since I've done any pinhole work. As I mentioned yesterday, I'm gearing up for a big pinhole project.
- :: for "Mapping the way" show at Artstream.
my art on DIESEL
With thanks to Jan at Poppytalk, my work is featured in NEW ART on DIESEL.com.
The article shows three images, two of my pinhole works and one is a selection from the AUGUST POLAROID PROJECT.
I tell you, there are some kind and considerate people out there!