From October 21 - November 27 Long Weekend in Oakland and Fayes in San Francisco are hosting a collection of altered paper coffee cups submitted by artists from all over, in an exhibition called #CautionMayBeHot. I sent two that I painted with acrylic after trying a few "warm up" versions in gouache. Painting in the round was fun and for some reason painting on a paper cup allowed me to work in an uninhibited way, similar to when I work in my sketchbook. Not sure why it was this way. But I also enjoy seeing my abstract work in a different form, seeing the marks "framed" in a way in which I am not accustomed. This process gave me ideas for future explorations...
View installation shots of the exhibit and entries #cautionmaybehot.
Two cups I painted for the #CautionMayBeHot exhibit on view at Long Weekend.
Two "warm up" cups I painted in preparation.