A year in photos

Inspired by seeing a few other friends gathering images from the year, I wanted to give it a try. (Have you done this also?) I hesitated because it takes a little effort to sort through everything (actually and mentally) but I felt it was important to see what made 2010 personally significant and memorable. So here are a few of my favorite images, chosen because I like them and for what they represent.

January - Grandmother's passing

February - Working on Water Paper Paint (really I could say this for each month but that might get redundant)

March - in the studio (working on you know what)

April - starting on the garden

May - Spring; a museum trip

June - in the garden every morning

July - summer bike rides & walks

August - An open house for a project my husband and his company completed; his grandmother's passing; a beach visit.

September - garden harvest; a return to oil painting.

October - a beautiful Autumn; lots of painting; Granddaddy's passing.

November - Water Paper Paint arrives; a Thanksgiving at home.

December - Preparing for the Water Paper Paint show in January; celebrating Christmas with family.