
I like the unplanned way paint accumulates on the blotter rags and I keep looking at this one.

And guess what? After a long hiatus I am painting on panel again. (!!!) Over the years while following other pursuits I haven't had time (or made time) for it. Returning to this kind of serious painting is like finding my self again or something I thought I had misplaced.

And just perhaps March's trend of being creatively straining has been broken.

March inspiration and idea wall

I moved a few things around on my inspiration/idea wall, adding new and old pieces. The oldest may be the house drawing from my childhood. The magnolia postcard my husband and I picked up ten years ago on our honeymoon to Colonial Williamsburg. Above it is a photo of purple coneflowers by Rachel that she took in our garden a few years ago. When I was selecting items for the wall I don't know exactly what drew me to these particular pieces at this particular time, but it doesn't matter. Because there's something there. But I do think they are linked together by the idea of story. These paper items each have a story.


March trends towards being a strange month for me creatively. Right now there are many opportunities in my life, for which I am thankful, yet standing before so many beginnings I am almost paralyzed. Usually when I look at a fresh piece of paper or a new panel, I am excited. I have never been frightened by beginning a new painting. But turn that beginning into a life event and it is a different matter. Maybe I need to turn the life events into a work of art, and then I'll know how to jump in.

Two sites by online friends are inspiring me this morning. One by a pair of artists, Gracia + Louise and that of photographer Jennifer Causey.

Inspired By

yesterday at arts-based preschool

This weekend a new exhibit, Inspired By, opens up at Artstream. The exhibit is in conjunction with the launch of Susan's new book Art Lab for Kids, 52 Creative Adventures in Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Paper, and Mixed Media that has just been released! The exhibition showcases works by the student artists and by the artists featured in the book who inspired them. This piece of mine is in a project on watercolor, and the young artist's work in the photos is pretty amazing! I would love to see the student work in person and also by the contributing artists, of which there are many, including Lisa Solomon, Sub-Studio, Megan Bogonovich, Lisa Congdon, Amy Ruppel, Mati Rose McDonough and more. It will be a fantastic exhibit of artists young, and well, not so young.

Since I have this book, I can tell you that you want it! Susan has been teaching artists of all ages using her own curriculum for over sixteen years. And she shares some of her expertise in Art Lab. Right now I'm really inspired by her printmaking chapter which covers print methods that would be interesting and doable by children as young as three up to an adult. All the projects are great, so if you would like your own copy, Susan is offering signed copies on the Art Lab website, here. Congratulations Susan, here's to a fantastic book launch and exhibition opening! Hip hip!!

Plus I am very happy to have four of my favorite pieces in the exhibit, which are only available in the Artstream Shop.